Sponsored CPD Event

Meeting 11th September 2024

 7.30 START


1.    Attendees:

Patrik Zachrisson LDC Chairman & Treasurer
Mariana De Villiers LDC Administrator
Amiras Chokshi LDC Secretary
Julia Hallam-Seagrave Head of Dental Service / Specialist in Special Care Dentistry
Peter Mullins
Marlise De Vos
Abigail Bridson
Francis Scriven 
Ricky Worraker

2.    Guest:
Curt McKenzie
3.    Apologies:

Kaushal Patel
Prashant Patel
Jessica Wyatt
Claire Jackman 
Deepak Kumar
Bharpur Sanghera

4.    Community Services and Special Care Dentistry Report: Juia Hallam-Seagrave:

The Dental Access Centre remains inundated with patients needing dental treatment. There are many more patients than capacity.
The centre has been working closely with the integrated NHS 111 and out-of-hours services for Cambridgeshire and Peterborough which is provided by Herts Urgent Care (HUC).  A new call centre has been opened in Peterborough.
A serious concern is the high levels of abusive telephone calls. Development of a text messaging system for contact is under way. It was noted that some patients who were not able to get an appointment would threaten suicide. Due to safeguarding policies, in order to help and protect patients, the dental team had to act fast to refer such cases which also sometimes resulted in patients being given appointments and being “sqeezed in”. 
Despite long waiting times the Centre still experience the “Fail to Attend” problem with patients not turning up for their appointments. 
The Dental Access Centre in Peterborough has made 1 appointment per day available for a homeless patient. 
Regarding Special Care Dentistry waiting times for appointments are coming down. This is reviewed weekly.
Community Services and Special Care Dentistry has not recruited for a long time. Vacancies within the Dental Team should be available shortly. Recruitment appears to have improved a little with more enquiries. 

5.    Orthodontic Update – Francis Scriven:

The Orthodontic Managed Clinical Network (MCN) has been disbanded. 
It is believed that Hertfordshire Integrated Care Board (ICB) would offer procurement for orthodontic services in due course. However, it is not expected in Cambridgeshire.
Orthodontic contracts are rolling over and extensions have been offered.
The Preferred Provider Model has been favoured. It is unlikely to loose Orthodontic Contracts.
There are long waiting lists for Orthodontic Services at the Hospital. Waiting lists include orthodontic assessments from more than a year ago. Surgical waiting lists are also well over a year.

6.    Chairman’s/Treasurer’s Report: Patrik Zachrisson:
Treasurer’s report:
The Cambridgeshire and Peterborough LDC continues to be financially stable and secure. 
The LDC continues funding towards Hepatits B vaccinations, Needlestick injuries and Disclosure & Barring Service (DBS) checks, as well as Courses for Dental Nurses. Funding available to all NHS dental practices in Cambridgeshire and Peterborough who are providing NHS dental services. 
The LDC has further supported BDA talks. Sponsorship to be publicised at the BDA sponsored event. 

Chairman’s Report:
No significant developments or changes have been reported since the new government came into power. 
More enquiries from Dentists seeking employment have been noted. Hopefully the lack of recruitment for dentists will improve. However, recruitment for Dental Nurses remains a problem.
Privatisation of NHS Dental Practices have increased. It appears that Patients have settled into private dentistry.
NHS Clawback:
It was noted that UDA underperforming Dental Practices have been contacted for clawback of money at short notice.  There was a period of time where no clawback was requested but this is now due for repayment. Following Year End Reconciliation Practices will be notified of clawback and would be able to repay monies either in 3 instalments or a one off payment. 
Clawback money is not ringfenced. 

7.    Secretary’s Report: Amiras Chokshi:
The British Dental Association (BDA) has engaged with the new Labour government since the election. Although there have been talks about contract reform no timeline was suggested. Prototypes are not running anymore.
Some corporate dental groups are opening Overseas Registration Exam (ORE) centres to help with dental deserts. The initiative to bypass ORE exams by providing provisional registration status for overseas dentists is under consultation.  This would allow overseas-qualified dentists whose qualifications are not automatically recognised by the GDC to practise under the supervision of a fully registered dentist whilst working to demonstrate that they meet the standards for full registration.
The BDA is unclear on how many dentists are active. The General Dental Council (GDC) does not account for how many dentists are part time. The demographics as well as the type of work have changed. 
Dental Therapists have to refer more complex work to a more qualified individual. In some cases this appears to be problematic as Associate dentists are unwilling to take on such patients. This means that the Principal Dentist now has the responsibility to take on these patients. It appears that Therapists would rather see patients on a private basis rather than the NHS.
The management consultancy company IQVIA has been approached to investigate NHS dentistry and how to improve the service. Local Dental practices to share patients orientated data and financial profiles. Initially the company wanted 10 local practices to sign up but this was put on hold for the election. No further contact has been reported. 
Dental contract uplift:
An increase of 6% is due in October backdated to April.
NHS Choices Webpage:
A breach notice was issued to a dental practice which incorrectly displayed working hours of the Dental Practice. Updated working hours must be accurate and clearly states for example: “closed on bank holidays” The workforce data, dental team must be updated.

8.    Other Business:
Jessica Wyatt: Congratulations to LDC Member Jessica Wyatt who had a beautiful baby girl called Clara at the end of June. 
Elinor Japp: LDC Member Elinor Japp has retired. We wish her all the very best for the future and thank her for her many years of service in the NHS.  Her valued contributions will be missed. 

9.    Next LDC Meeting

27th November 2024