Meeting 4th May 2022
7.30 START
- Attendees:
Patrik Zachrisson - LDC Chairman & Treasurer
Mariana De Villiers - LDC Administrator
Amiras Chokshi - Secretary
Claire Jackman
Julia Hallam-Seagrave
Peter Mullins
Deepak Kumar
Gawain King
Jaco Craig
Marlise De Vos
- Apologies:
Bharpur Sanghera
Meeraj Patel
Francis Scriven
Avtar Pardesi
- Chairman’s/Treasurer’s Report: Patrik Zachrisson:
Treasurer’s report:
The Cambridgeshire and Peterborough LDC continues to be financially stable and secure. The LDC has contributed towards sponsoring a CPD event for local dentists in conjunction with the BDA (British Dental Association). The event was successful and well received. The LDC will be open to sponsorship contribution for future events.
It was also agreed to make a further donation to the Benevolent Fund.
In order to support the Dental Team, funding towards Hepatits B, Needlestick injuries and DBS checks was finalised.
Chairman’s Report:
Concerns regarding new NHS contracts remain.
Although a backlog of care has accumulated during the period where dental services have not been operational at full capacity, many contractors are already delivering over 100 per cent, similar to the pre-pandemic activity levels. The aim is for a return to normal contracting arrangements from July 2022.
NHS England has agreed a further period of support for Q1 at 95 per cent for dental contractors only. Practitioners are concerned that this might not be possible due to the many bank holidays in Q1 (April to June). This would be more achievable if the target is set for 95% over 1 year rather than for a quarter. It is unclear if 100% of contract value will be required at year end and how the current 96% minimum target will be affected.
NHS England will confirm further arrangements from Q2 onwards separately, however it is expected to return to usual contractual arrangements in line with the rest of the NHS.
On the question: “Will practices be able to make up for any delivery under 95% in quarter one in the later periods of 2022/23” NHS England responded as follows:
“Whilst we have made the offer of income protection for those who require it in Q1, we do not want any contractors to be inadvertently disadvantaged through this approach. In particular we want to reassure colleagues that they will be able to rely on performance calculated on a whole year basis where that additional flexibility would be to a contractor’s benefit. This means:
- Where treating Q1 separately isn’t to a contractor’s advantage, the calculation of performance will be on a whole year basis, and no separate arrangements will apply to Q1;
- If treating Q1 separately is to a contractor’s advantage, they will receive income protection at 95%, and accordingly won’t be able to carry forward activity from Q1 to count against their UDA requirement for the remainder of the year. In this case, a variable cost adjustment at 12.75% will be applied to Q1.
Contractors who receive income protection will be required to complete the Workforce Data Collection form on Compass and the Year-End Declaration when this becomes available. We will remind contractors of these requirements through the year.”
- Secretary’s Report: Amiras Chokshi:
Recruitment across the dental team remains a huge problem. Some dental practices are unable to fulfil their NHS contractual targets as a result of dentist shortages.
It was noted that some dentists from abroad whom are GDC Registered would take up positions as dental therapists.
Apart from a pilot project in Essex there is no facility for Periodontal Access or Referrals in this area.
Dental Access for asylum seekers and refugees:
Healthcare professionals can refer to OHID's model of oral healthcare for asylum seekers and refugees to support their access to NHS dental services. This resource can also be used by local authorities and support services that work with refugees and asylum seekers.
The next BDA meeting is on Friday, 6th May 2022.
- Next Meeting: