Sponsored CPD Event

Meeting 9th November 2022




 7.30 START


  1. Attendees:

Patrik Zachrisson - LDC Chairman & Treasurer

Mariana De Villiers - LDC Administrator

Amiras Chokshi - Secretary

Claire Jackman

Julia Hallam-Seagrave

Peter Mullins

Jaco Craig              

Marlise De Vos

Bharpur Sanghera

Francis Scriven

  1. Apologies:

Deepak Kumar

Meeraj Patel

Avtar Pardesi

Gawain King   

  1. Chairman’s/Treasurer’s Report: Patrik Zachrisson:

Treasurer’s report:

The Cambridgeshire and Peterborough LDC continues to be financially stable and secure.  The LDC has contributed towards sponsoring a CPD event for local dentists in conjunction with the BDA (British Dental Association). The event was successful and well received.  The LDC has agreed to sponsor future BDA events.  The LDC has also donated to the Benevolent Fund.

In order to support the Dental Team, the LDC refunded Hepatits B, Needlestick injuries and DBS checks to those practices which applied for funding.

Chairman’s Report:

Concerns regarding new NHS contracts remain. 

The NHS is more challenged than ever. Some NHS practices have returned their contracts to provide private dental treatment.  NHS dental service providers have long waiting lists for new patients as well as orthodontic treatment.

A lot of Providers are facing claw back and breach notices. However, no contracts have been withdrawn yet.

Since the COVID pandemic lower NHS targets were required which resulted in some associates wanting to work less hours on the NHS and rather promote private treatment.  Associates do not want to take on new NHS patients and want to spend more time to deliver dentistry. As the availability for NHS treatment is difficult to find, more patients are having private treatment.

Newly qualified dentists/graduates are not interested in providing NHS dentistry.

It was reported that some dentists are retiring earlier than anticipated.

Shortages of associates, therapists, nurses and orthodontists remain a concern. Recruitment across the dental team remains a huge problem.

  1. Secretary’s Report: Amiras Chokshi:

The current volatile political and economic environment, the ongoing impact of that environment on dentistry, and the BDA’s work with a range of stakeholders to make the case for fair remuneration and a sustainable future for NHS dentistry were discussed.

Practices continue to move away from NHS dentistry, and there are reports that private plan providers have increased.

It was discussed that only 28 per cent of the £50m provided by NHS England to improve access was taken up, and noted that the BDA had informed NHS England at the time of the limited efficacy of the cash injection given ongoing wider challenges.

There remains an ongoing concern regarding the lack of a clear and reasonable process around year-end reconciliation, abatement and clawback. There are reports of dentists having monies clawed back before the end of year reconciliation was agreed between both parties. The effectiveness of the yearend process provided by the BSA is questionable.

The challenges of recruitment facing practices delivering NHS dentistry are huge.  No additional funding for dentistry are available in a bid to try and recruit more dental professionals.  Provision of a “core service” approached was discussed but this in itself will result in many difficulties.

  1. Francis Scriven:

Orthodontic services on the NHS remains problematic.  The situation is a result of both a major shrinking of the NHS dentistry workforce, and a “flawed” tendering process for orthodontic services. There are significant challenges in recruiting clinicians.

  1. Julia Hallam- Seagrave:

Special care contracts are running for 8 years.  Minor oral surgery is due to go out to a tender process.

Patients attending the Dental access centre need to travel to Kettering for orthodontic treatment.

  1. Next Meeting:

WEDNESDAY, 15th March 2023